
Dawn is not only a school, but a safe space for autistic people and their families. We focus on providing the best support possible to our people. To achieve this, we require funding. Your small donation can make a huge impact. Not only to Dawn, but also to Pune’s autistic community. We aim to create a space where autistic people and their families can access the help and resources they need. At the heart of our movement is our school, Dawn. At Dawn, our team conducts various sessions for our autistic students, such as aqua therapy, music therapy, vocational skills classes, outings, and physical therapy. Your donation will allow us to keep providing our students with the unique set of supplies they need – sensory objects, musical instruments and much more. 

We hope that as a result of our combined efforts, Pune becomes more aware of ASD, and that the stigma around it reduces. We want families of autistic people to know that they have a place to find resources and help.

Please use the QR code below for payments.